
No, not our house..  yet.


I want my old ways back so badly!  I miss Blogger, the ease of use, changing things quickly and being able to understand just how to do that.  I am also sick of hiding out.

I should be able to be who I am.

I have the site (  just about ready to be up and running, but until then, you can find me here..

I am moving and shaking stuff up, I hope you’ll continue to ride this yo-yo with me..

Have I ever told you all that I love you? 😉

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Finding the humor in life..

I am sorry for being so serious and stressed lately..  I realize that the entertainment I had intended to be here took a vacation of its own this last little while..

Today, I was thinking about that..  that I really am happy, and I should show it more!  I should look for the humorous side to things again.

It also helped that Merrill and I lay awake in bed a little too late last night laughing at the dumbest stuff.

(Watch and discuss..)  Tee Hee!!

So here they are..  the things that made me laugh today.

Remember this?feb 2 020

Ashley didn’t learn from her lesson..

She cut her hair AGAIN, while mom and dad were attempting to squeeze in a Sunday nap yesterday.

Sad thing is I didn’t discover it until I was cleaning downstairs TODAY.  Little bits and long bits of hair..  hidden where an almost five year old thinks is adequate.

She gave herself some cute new layers, and slight bangs.

After lecturing her about it, and the fact that she doesn’t want to wear underwear at night, and we discover that fact in awkward ways..  I had told her for about the 79th time today, that she should “know better”.

It is so harsh, and it is what I say when I do not know what else to say..  I felt bad.

She was sadly laying in her bed..  had her little Merrill puppy dog face going strong, and I asked her what was the matter.

She answered with, “I wish that 8 came after 3, so I would be 8 now and know better.”

Talk about break my heart!!

I was already feeling guilty…

Peyton wants to be just like her..  unfortunately for Peyton, her head isn’t as big as big sister’s is, and therefore cannot see very well.

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Big sister doesn’t run into walls.

With her head.

The other humorous moment in my day was my toilet paper.

It is comical to attempt to get any, at all, whether it be for a snotty nose, to squish a spider, or wipe a bum.  Someone at the toilet paper factory thought it would be rockin’ awesome to put that fun temporary glue that keeps the roll from unravelling in the very beginning of the roll, all throughout the roll, every 4-5 inches.  Just to make life interesting.

I am looking forward to finishing off this particular package of Charmin.

To boot, I am here, nearly 11 pm, everyone is asleep, and I am here, blogging away, laughing to myself, wearing my reading glasses that just aren’t cutting it anymore, realizing that it just might have something to do with that next number coming up..


Sorry Mer, I know you hate to see it, hear it, think it..

But it’s true.

I am compiling a list..


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Let’s just say, it was a busy day..

Merrill came home yesterday..  and that isn’t even the beginning or the biggest part of my day yesterday..

Got up, got the girls off to school, Lynn to the elementary, Ash to the pre-school.

Talked to Merrill on the phone (he was in San Fransisco) I was on my way to our first PTA meeting.

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Then we ran to get Ash, who brought Freddy with her, ran a few errands, took Peyton to the doctor for her follow-up.  She got her cast cut off (didn’t like it, she was very protective of her cast..) and had x-rays taken again.  Ash loved the whole process, she is so like me.  She even picked out a new color for the new cast only to have Dr. Cardon tell me she didn’t need one!?

I took a peek at both x-rays (old and new) while I was waiting for him.  I could still see that small bump where the buckle was, but saw other things that I wasn’t sure of.

Turns out, she has over 50% new bone growth, and is healing faster than he expected.  She has a brace he made for her (that I can remove for baths THANK HEAVENS!!) and she needs to wear it for 10-14 days.  I think I will go with the 14, and then wrap her im bubble wrap.

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Our bodies are so amazing, and they way they heal themselves is incredible!!  Had it been me who sustained that injury, my bone would have snapped, not buckled.  At this point, two weeks later, my bone would still look just as bad as it did on day one.

I guess I should say that youth is awesome too. 🙂

We picked up some lunch, tidied up the house, and I worked on some projects..  hopefully I will finish them up today.

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Ash is now some sort of superhero..

We got Lynn, had to get her all ready for her performance before we went to get Merrill, we would have to drive straight to the game after the airport..

We left and booked it to the airport.  Two of the three children fell asleep on the way there.  Guess which two..

Peyton cried for her “gink” or binky most of the way.

I debated whether or not to do the drive by and pick up, or park, and go in to pick up.  I missed the lot, and decided to take the loop around.  I was early..

I didn’t even factor in parking and hauling three small children inside to the baggage claim area..  Merrill was trying to call me, as I am trying to get everyone there, and fast, a baby on one hip, my camera in the other hand and trying to get my cell out of my back pocket..  I hung up on him.


We were running, and I could see all of them heading out to the pick-up area, and I finally got through to his cell.  Peyton saw him before any of us did.  She was giggling, “Dada…”

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It was kind of fun to play with him and tell him we could see him.  He couldn’t see us for a few minutes.  Then Lynn broke into a run towards him, jumped up and wrapped her legs around him..

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It was great, I think we put on a good show for the folks at the airport last night.

He gave Peyton a bear that he found in Victoria, that is also the bear’s name now.  The girls were kind of bummed that he got them shirts, but they say “Princess” on them (the name of the cruise line) and they were sparkly..  they came around but weren’t shy to voice the fact that they would have loved a toy.

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We got to Bonneville’s game, and got some good seats for Lynn’s little halftime performance.

She did great.  She was so into it this time!

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Then it was off to home, for a late dinner, and bed.

I hope his day gets better.

He was looking forward to sleeping in for a little bit, but was woken by a phone call, from the hotel at 7 am..

The power was out in the office and was slowly creeping elsewhere.

It went out here too for a while.

That is always a pain to deal with down there, let alone your first day back in nearly two weeks..

And then there is the ongoing saga of “the house”..  hope to fill in when all details are a little bit clearer.  Sift through the truth and the crap.

It is so good to have him back.

It was the best part of the day..


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It’s getting to be that time of the year..

I usually get the mail.

That prevents many issues.  Most of them happening at the same time.

A) The girls will usually fight over who gets to go and retrieve it from the mailbox.

B) The fit that follows when one of them cannot access smaller pieces of mail in the box or the fit that is thrown as mail is lost on their way to the house..  slipped through the cracks of small arms.

C) Catalogs/Ads that will suddenly inform my children of things that they “need”.

See, if I get it done, I avoid all of these things.

Yesterday I wished I had when I saw the catalogs making their way up the driveway.

The inevitable soon followed..  there was an American Girl catalog and another one with Halloween Costumes, or if you have children like mine, dress-ups.  They know them to be good all year round, not just on one night.

They sat for the better part of the afternoon and evening, poring over every page, every detail, of every item..  dreaming..  making plans.

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“I want to be this..  and Pey can be that..”

“I want this for Christmas!!  I am going to ask Santa for that..”

So it begins.

Halloween is understandable, but Christmas already?

It must be getting to be that time of the year.


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So I did it..

I finally finished Peyton’s quilt!!

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It’s really a duvet cover, not so much the quilt that I had planned, but re-working it, I got to this point and I love it!

We have been spending our time this weekend playing (besides sewing) and enjoying some silliness with our cousins.

I had to edit this pic..

ash & cade edit

Ash and Cade are so tight..  they just HAD to go for a swim last night.

Cade didn’t have trunks.

They are so cute together!


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Things you just shouldn’t do alone..

I feel like it’s going to be a long post..  but long to me may be different than long to you.

Just a warning, ramblings, and some randomness..

I watched P.S. I Love You last night.

Something you shouldn’t do alone.

At least without your significant other.

My eyes are puffy today.

There are other things that just shouldn’t be happening, much like me, watching that movie alone..

As Lynn got in the car yesterday after school, she nearly boiled-over with excitement.

“Mom!!  I saw this boy today who is HOT.  And he’s not just HOT, he’s HOT HOT!”

My mind is asking where she got this from.  I certainly do not talk that way.  So, my mouth followed the direction of my mind and asked her.

“Where did you get that from?”

Pointing to her head she answers, “My brain.  My eyes saw him and my brain told me he was HOT HOT.”

Oh, my, goodness..  here we go.

She then proceeded to tell me his name describe his every visible feature, the color of his hair and how it lifts in the front like her boyfriend, James..  ?!?

“But he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” she announced.  “I was trying to get him to like me.”

“How do you do that?”  I asked.

“By being nice to him, and being happy when I am around him.”  That really isn’t hard, she sits right next to him.

Then she continued, and further blew me away.

“But I don’t like him anymore ’cause he’s being a DOUCHE BAG to me.”

That was where it HAD to stop.  My sweet little 6 going on 17 year old needed to be corrected in many ways.

Does it really happen this soon?

Merrill is enjoying his trip.  They went fishing yesterday in Ketchikan and caught some salmon.  I was excited to hear from him, and to also hear they are sending it home via FedEx.  I miss him so much this time though.

Jaclyn and I took the kiddos to a “new” park last night.

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I swore I saw a toy from the road in one of my previous drive-bys, but no.  An awesome walking path..  a cool little creek to look at, throw rocks into..  some very suspicious growth near where the children were gravitating.  We cut our evening out short, to come home and Google “Poison Ivy”.  Still not too sure, but my kids are okay..  let’s hope it was just a look alike..


I look forward to spending the day at my sewing machine.  Taking it easy.  Trying to keep busy so my mind won’t let me miss him too much.

These girls make it easier on me..  all of their silliness and cuteness..  and that’s what makes his being away worth while.  I get my time completely alone with them.

Peyton love playing little mama with her doll.  She isn’t too happy with the purses sliding off of her shoulder.  I will try to make something today especially for her that will help with that.

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Ashley is..  well…  Ashley.   The things her little brain puts together amaze me and usually evoke laughter.

sept 012And then there’s Lynn…sept 004


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Time to play!!

After a week filled with work, I am glad to announce I can now play!!

We spent the day yesterday just chillin’ after that appraisal was all taken care of.  Lynn and I snuggled after she got home from school, watching PBS kids I took a little snoozer.

We played what seemed like  a LONG game of Memory, but my opponent was the one who made the game seem so long..  she is still trying to cheat!

Tsk.. tsk..

We also had to enjoy some popcorn during our game.

We ordered in pizza..  Lynn was bummed because I forgot she likes sausage, and didn’t get it on the pizza.  Honestly, she picks just about everything off her pizza, it was an honest mistake.  I guess there will be no surprising with the ordering of pizza around here anymore, I should take the order.

We played outside for a while, trying to get Lynn used to the no training-wheel factor.  That was a goal this summer, and where did that time go exactly?

Then bath time came..

Bath time is now quite the adventure at our house now..  with Peyton having that cast, it makes for some exciting, bag, duct tape, rubber banding, and towel fun!  It didn’t get wet last night thankfully.

Do you think it would be wrong for me to spray some Scentsy spray down her cast?  It seriously stinks…

We snuggled-up in my bed and watched “Enchanted”..  it was nice.

I cried.

I miss Merrill.

I got all the children to their own beds, but wouldn’t you know, by 7 this morning, two of the three were in my bed, and one was laying in her own made-up bed at the foot of my bed, on the floor.

I guess when Lynn told her that sleeping on the floor would break her back doesn’t scare her anymore.

This is just some of what I did today:

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I FINALLY finished Peyton’s night stand..  thanks for the inspiration Ally.

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Helped Ash sound out words and she spells them the way her brain tells her to!  (This one says “rainbow”.)

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And Peyton enjoyed some coloring time too..  she is getting quite good at using that left hand!  She will color with it, feed herself with it..  she gets mad when purses don’t stay on her shoulder, and she can’t quickly grab them because of that darn hindrance of a hot pink cast..  she is taking a binky ALL THE TIME now..  I hope she forgets all about those now stinky fingers.

She is also talking so much more..

She says “okey” for okay, “hep mama!” for help, “doos” for juice…

And..  she loves singing all the monkey songs, especially while I change her diaper.

She has also learned that she gets a great reaction out of us when she hits us with her cast.  Ouch…


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Where have I been, right?!

Getting ready for this appraisal, which was today, and now I get to wait…

Pray it is higher than they want..  pray with me, won’t you? 😉

Merrill is on vacation which has made this all that much funner.

I am incredibly thankful to some angels who showed-up at my house last night and saved me.  I thought all that needed to be done would get done quickly, all by myself, somehow.  They showed-up and got it done.  Stress, OVER.  Now my kiddos have a happy mama, and I feel like I can play and even breathe a little.sept 010

Today was Ashley’s first day of pre-school and she loved every bit of it except for the part where she didn’t go to the writing center and thus, had an empty cubby, and thusly an empty backpack..

It was weird, it just being me and Peyton, but kinda nice.  I can’t wait for it to be a day where it’s just her and myself, and we can sit and play and read books instead of doing last minute cleaning.

I am also celebrating the first day I do not have to go to Lowe’s, and also celebrating that my two oldest will not get into another cat fight there, in front of the paint counter for all to see.



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It just keeps coming..

So on top of it being Merrill’s birthday yesterday, having a cake to make, a birthday dinner too (both my choice, Merrill was not in the mood to celebrate, for some reason..) the people buying our house wanted to show it that night to possible renters/buyers.


Cleaning and finishing the exterior paint to go on top of that..

I was tidying the house up before I began the painting, taking things that belong out in the garage, out to the garage.  Ashley and Peyton were going back and forth, taking scooters and bikes out of the garage.  I thought to myself, I should probably just back the car out of the garage and let them play in here while I am doing this.  But I thought against it.  There have been so many stories on the news lately of accidents with kids and cars..  taking my next load out to the garage, I hear a loud thud and Peyton starts to cry.

There is Nathan and Julie’s ladder “JAWS” laying partly on the car.  I think it scared Pey more than anything, but upon closer inspection, the car wasn’t doing too well.

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My new windshield, the one I HAD to get to replace the 12 year old one that was too chipped and dinged to pass safety, was smashed in the bottom corner.  The cracks already spreading throughout the rest of the glass.

That was awesome.

After getting Lynn from school, I leave the car outside 🙂 and begin painting the back man door to the garage.

Remember that all the exterior doors are now BLACK.

Well, Peyton decided to “help”.

She took the roller, covered in black, and proceeded to paint the garage floor and part of her left side, BLACK.

I quickly got the roller away from her only to find her going after the paint pan, filled with enough paint to pour out all over the front of her body, which she was attempting to do.

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We tried to celebrate Merrill’s birthday..  again, he wasn’t really in the mood.

30..  uh..   er..  um, I mean, 20 (again) has him kinda down.

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I think you can tell by the cake..

On to today.

I had a list of things that need to be done (still things to do on it..) in order for this appraisal to go where we want it to.  Mostly touch-up painting, fun stuff like that, you know, stuff that I am surely not sick of, at all.

So I set out and about my day..  painting and patching some dings that come out with nice, new, glossy paint.  I also had some lovely artwork that the girls did pro-bono for us in the exercise room when it used to be the play room, all over the walls.  That whole room needed paint in a bad way.

Funny as it was the only room in the house to not be painted by us, at least once.

I am quite the pro painting without tape.  I use it around the door trim but not the ceiling or baseboards..  yes, I am that good. 😉

Total tanget that was..  I must be tired..

So while I am painting away over my precious artwork, Ashley and Peyton go upstairs.  I hear the normal playing..  it goes on..  then I hear a thud.  Nothing loud or out of the ordinary, but Peyton immediately starts crying.  I go to see what is wrong, and she is holding her right arm.  I start to drill Ashley.  Let’s face it, she doesn’t have  a very good record and with Lynn gone all day on top of that blemished record, Ashley has been forcing little Peyton to be her friend.  Yeah, I thought she was the one who had hurt her.

Ashley performs a little re-enactment per my request, and the story is out.

Peyton was playing at the foot of her bed, stumbled, tried to catch herself, and fell, on her arm.

She wasn’t getting any happier, so I called a friend to see if she could take Ash..  and oh, by the way, Lynn was due to be out of school in 20 minutes.

She took care of it all..  sheesh..  those mothers of 4. 😉  (Thanks JuJu..)

Peyton and I took another trip to the IsntaCare over another arm..  were sent again to the X-Ray area (know how to get there with my eyes shut I do believe..)  felt like a horrible mother to have let something like this happen AGAIN..  had X-Rays taken, then had Dr. Cardon (LOVE HIM!!) look over everything and tell us that…

She has a buckle fracture.

And then he put her in a hot pink cast.

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There are still firsts for us..  first broken bone.

Please tell me there is a break (no pun intended)  from all of this for at least one day?

Maybe it will break her of her finger sucking habit…  she did need some drugs and a binky of all things to get to sleep tonight.


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30.. er.. uh.. I mean 29!

Happy 29th birthday again Merrill!!!

I thought I would pick out 30..  um, I meant to say 29 of my favorite pictures of you, but how do I narrow that down from the hundreds of favorites I have?

So I have a few…  you can see where my children get their good looks from too..





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Love you Merrill!!

I am so happy that you are 29 (again)..


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